Tony plummer the law of vibration
Tony plummer the law of vibration

tony plummer the law of vibration

Matthew s Gospel, Chapter 12, Verses 38-40, Greek Text 181 Appendix 3: The Vesica Piscis and Time 183 Appendix 4: The Structure of William Gann s Tunnel Thru the Air 185 Appendix 5: The Structure of George Gurdjieff s Beelzebub s Tales 187 Appendix 6: The Structure of the First 28 Chapters of Beelzebub s Tales 189 Appendix 7: The /46 Inter-Cycle Hiatus 193 Appendix 8: A Note on William Gann s The Magic Word 195 Bibliography 199 Index 203 v iĩ About the author Tony Plummer is the director of Helmsman Economics Ltd. Matthew s Gospel and the Law of Vibration 115 Chapter 13: A Universal Pattern of Vibration 127 Chapter 14: Inner Octave Cycles 147 Chapter 15: The Law of Vibration in Practice 159 Chapter 16: The Final Word 175 Appendices Appendix 1: Numerical Equivalents of New Testament Greek Letters 179 vĨ T O N Y P L U M M E R T H E L A W O F V I B R A T I O N Appendix 2: St. Gurdjieff and the Law of Vibration 103 Chapter 12: St. Gann and the Law of Vibration 93 Chapter 11: George I.

tony plummer the law of vibration

Gann 1 Chapter 2: The Golden Ratio and the Christian Scriptures 11 Chapter 3: The Law of Three 19 Chapter 4: The Sign of the Prophet Jonas 25 Chapter 5: The Son of Man in the Heart of the Earth 41 Chapter 6: The Structure of the Musical Octave 53 Chapter 7: The Law of Seven 59 Chapter 8: The Octave and the Enneagram 67 Chapter 9: The Enneagram and Financial Markets 81 Chapter 10: William D.

tony plummer the law of vibration

Hh Harriman Houseĥ For the global community of independently-minded technical analysts and economistsħ Contents About the author vii Acknowledgements vii Preface ix Introduction xi Chapter 1: The Enigma of William D. No responsibility for loss occasioned to any person or corporate body acting or refraining to act as a result of reading material in this book can be accepted by the Publisher, by the Author, or by the employer of the Author. This book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without the prior written consent of the Publisher. All rights reserved no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Gann Tony PlummerĤ HARRIMAN HOUSE LTD 3A Penns Road Petersfield Hampshire GU32 2EW GREAT BRITAIN Tel: +44 (0) Website: First edition published in Great Britain in 2013 Copyright Tony Plummer The right of Tony Plummer to be identified as the author has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A CIP catalogue record for this book can be obtained from the British Library. 3 The Law of Vibration The Revelation of William D.

Tony plummer the law of vibration